So here we are again with yet another nail growing project. I just got tired of fixing the gel layover and I simply miss the feeling of natural nails. I filed all the length off my nails so I can get used to these nubbins and I still have the gel layover on them, for now. Next weekend I’m going to remove all the gel and I’m going for my first ever IBX treatment on Monday, a week from now.
I thought it would be interesting to add a new product to help the project. Monitoring the results will (hopefully) make this long project a little less boring.

Of course I still have my all time favorite nail oil Bliss Kiss to help out on the growing project. I’m also going to continue my search for a perfect nail treatment/base coat.

These nails feel so short right now that the tips of my fingers hurt but surprisingly I’m not hating them. I think they are actually kinda cute and I literally can’t break a nail this length so that too feels pretty liberating :D

So let the nail growing project Vol. “Who the hell even knows” begin!